etaïnn zwer

a writer and an artist, part of the queer colleXtive RER Q, etaïnn zwer (they) practice-s a utopic investigation obsessed by the empowering metamorphosis of the poem, to make more fuckable and decolonized worlds come true. their work —hot texts, ritualised performances, writing+drag workshops— has been featured in galleries Rond Point Projects (Marseille), Marcelle Alix (Paris), Mimosa House (London), festivals extra ! (Centre Pompidou Paris), Littérature, etc. (Lille), on the radio Station Station, Rinse. and in magazines such as Phylactère, Panthère Première, How to become, L'Incroyable. shey are currently writing her first «performed novel», a cuming of age poetic fantasy about sport, truth, genderfuck, psychoanalysis, Mariah Carey, and desire-s: G X M N X S T X. and looking for a queer producer to accompany their musical avatar in the making, so hit them up.